
ok, one more time

Um, you are in a virtual hipster enclave in a virtual major American city (hint: think palm trees and car chases). Your existence revolves around going to indie rock shows, buying music gear, and getting high janky. To get janky you need to buy Janky. That's it. That's the game.
...oh, and money shows up in your bank account on a regular basis. Where does it come from? We don't talk about that. Don't ask, don't tell. This being the cloud, we have our own coin called JC that is totally not a scam way cooler than fiat currency and makes your life frickin special. btw this is a virtual virtual coin (it's virtuals all the way down mkay), like so many other things it is worth nothing in the real world. Zero nada zilch.
Every day you exist in the cloud so often, you will have to spend some on surviving, so x amount will disappear. Also you can randomly get a parking ticket maybe, who knows why. One thing that will not happen though is you getting arrested. That is just not how it works in the cloud. Cool cool. Don't get cocky though, you can totally become very unfortunate in this game. Some say that is your fate. What do they know, man.